Friday, February 2, 2007

What I have been doing.

I haven't even come close to keeping up with my self imposed commitment to my blogging! Recently, my business has been very hectic, but I love the money, so I must see to it first. I do, however, always have plenty of time, even at work, for thought, and those thoughts build up, looking for a place to gush out. I will continue to blog!
I also discovered another blogging site that I am enjoying writing in. It is Helium. I have posted the link to the about me page on Helium that shows all my posts there, please take a look, and even join the site, it is pretty interesting for knowledge. Once again, the demands of real life intruded there as well, so I have not posted recently on it either.
I still have in mind a piece on Gitmo, but it doesn't intrigue me as much as it did when I started it, so that draft may stay untouched for a bit. Something on my mind right now is the economy, and specifically, the housing market in the U.S. By the time I get to write another "real" blog, however, that too may not interest me as much.
I have also come to a small road block on my story, mainly just stuck on a central plot device, how it is going to work, mainly just details, but very important ones. Oh well.
I guess what I am trying to say is, Pauls Way is still very much on my mind, and after all my appointments are fulfilled on Monday, I plan on getting some writing done!
Until then, have a great one!